New Professional Coaching Clinic for spring 2011

October 18th, 2010

The Professional Coaching Clinic (PCC) is a program where business students will be paired with a personal coach who has significant experience working and coaching in professional business environments. Each student will meet regularly with his/her coach throughout the semester to explore his/her professional strengths and weaknesses and to develop and carry out an action plan designed by leading business professionals and will have other opportunities to develop their professional networks.

This course is only open to 12-15 upper level students for spring 2011 semester.

Benefits to you of participating include:

  • You will improve your professionalism by identifying your strengths, weaknesses, competencies, interests and personal and professional aspirations.
  • You will be better prepared to succeed in your first job and your career
  • You will earn 1 credit for your participation, and may substitute your participation for BUS 302, Career Perspectives

Commitments required of you include:

  • True engagement in the concept of professionalism and an eagerness to improve your self-awareness and professional skills.
  • Ability to meet Mondays 3:10-4:00 pm periodically throughout the semester
  • Ability to participate in 1-2 select “master classes” that may cover 2-3 hours and perhaps include dinner - lasting to approximately 7:00 pm.

For more information check out the website: or contact Linda Hughes, 324 Reid Hall, 994-4294,