February 1st, 2010

The International Business student club has paired up with the MSU Office of International Programs and the Montana Center for International Visitors to kickoff the first ever International Film Festival. It will run every Wednesday starting February 10 and running through March 10 with each film focusing on a different part of the world. Each film has been selected for its ability to describe the human spirit in challenging time - different cultures, different dilemmas; but same human emotions and reactions.

The film lineup is as follows:

  • February 10 - Habana Blues (Cuba)
  • February 24 - Kebab Connection (Germany)
  • March 3 - Still Life (China)
  • March 10 - Bamako (Mali)

Each film viewing will be held on the Montana State University campus in Linfield 125. Films start at 7:00p.m. with a discussion to follow for those who would like to stay and participate. Light snacks will be provided, compliments of World Market and MSU’s student international clubs.

For more information please contact the Montana Center for International Visitors’ office at 406.994.4887 or at mtcenter@montana.edu.