On Thursday, January 17, 2008, in Helena, Montana State University's (MSU) College of Business will take its State Farm Family Business Program on the road with a special business seminar, The Business of Customer Service. Presented by adjunct instructor of management, Gary Bishop, this free educational seminar will be held at the Capitol from 1:45-3:10 p.m. The seminar will consist of a hands-on workshop and presentation focused on delivering outstanding customer service and effectively responding to customer demands. Those attending this seminar will be armed with a customer service survival kit and all participants will gain a better understanding of the customer service paradigm shift that has taken place in business, how to swim against the current and emerge successfully. Regardless of the size of business, managers and employees attending this seminar will leave with a stronger understanding of how customer service directly impacts their business growth, sustainability and development.

The Family Business Program is part of MSU's College of Business outreach effort, offering guest lectures and seminars on issues important to family-owned and small businesses in communities across the state. Established by the College of Business in 1994, this program received a boost in funding in March 2005, when State Farm Insurance Company recognized Bozeman resident Robert Jaedicke for his many years of service on their Board of Directors with a significant gift to MSU s College of Business. The funds were placed in an endowment for the Family Business Program, to enhance the annual program usually held in Bozeman in September and to help develop new outreach programs and seminars. With additional support from Stockman Bank, the College of Business proudly introduced the Family Business Program On the Road in Helena, January 2007.

To RSVP for the upcoming seminar or for more information about the Business Days at the Capitol, please see the Montana Chamber of Commerce website at: http://montanachamber.net/admin/sites/513/filelib//08Registration.pdf.

For more information about the Family Business Program and the On the Road series, call Audrey Lee at (406) 994-7026 or e-mail audrey.lee@montana.edu.