An endowment in honor of Dr. Norm Millikin is being established to annually recognize a Montana State University College of Business faculty member. The honoree will be an individual who exemplifies Norm's career-long dedication to excellence in the classroom and willingness to provide outreach services that enhance and impacts business and economic skills and knowledge. All of us who have been touched by Norm's deep commitment to students and the community and his boundless enthusiasm can readily recognize the wisdom in creating this endowment. Over the next several months we will be extending an invitation to former students, colleagues, family and friends of Norm Millikin to support a new faculty award established in his honor.

DR. NORM MILLIKIN ~ In his 32-year career with MSU College of Business, Norm touched many students lives with his hands-on approach of teaching and the individual attention he so willingly gave to students. He showed by example the importance of sharing his talents and knowledge beyond the classroom. His passion for reaching outside the MSU boundaries is demonstrated in his dedication to so many outreach programs including student organizations such as DECA, BPA, and the Bozeman High Business Department Advisory Group. Norm's service to the community includes a long list of organizations to which he has provided innovative workshops and seminars.

Today, Norm still holds true to his belief in the effectiveness of outreach programs. His current work includes the role as Executive Director of Montana Council on Economic Education and he continues providing insight and consulting to businesses in Montana and across the nation. This includes overseeing a program that reaches more than 90 secondary schools and 3,000 students across Montana teaching a stronger understanding of business and economics.

THE FIRST GOAL is to reach $25,000, the minimum needed to create an endowment in Norm's honor. Earnings from the endowment will provide funding appropriate to meeting Norm's goals and vision for the award which mirror his legacy of quality teaching, research, service and commitment to outreach programs. While $25,000 is the initial goal, additional funds above the minimum requirement will significantly improve the capability to provide support for the recipients activities.

Once established, the Norm Millikin Excellence in Outreach and Teaching Award will benefit MSU College of Business faculty in perpetuity. The recipient of the annual award will undertake research and expand their knowledge of creative innovative teaching skills for business students. The results of this enhanced education and knowledge will not be limited to the classroom, but extend the intellectual expertise to communities and organizations. The recipient of the award will share resources through teaching, research and service to address the social, civic and economic issues and opportunities. While preference will be given to a marketing faculty member, the award may be given to College of Business faculty members in other disciplines who match the overall goal of providing outreach programs and innovative teaching methods.

YOU ARE INVITED to join the effort to continue Norm's vision by enhancing the capabilities of today's faculty members to provide excellence in the classroom and programs for outreach and enriched business research. What better tribute can we express to Norm than reaching this goal and encouraging others to continue his mission providing outreach programs and a great teaching environment?

Please contact Jackie Sather, Director of Development for more information or to receive a pledge card. You may submit a one-time gift or pledge an annual gift for up to 5-years. Sather can be reached by call 406-994-6766 or Funds can also be sent to MSU College of Business ~ room 409 Reid Hall ~ Bozeman, MT 59715. Please make all checks out to MSU Foundation.