Mark Your Calendar!

As part of the on-going educational service to enhance entrepreneurial spirit and education, the Montana State University College of Business will host an Entrepreneur Day on Wednesday, February 23, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the Student Union Building room 275.

Join us for a day of informative sessions that will explore the role of entrepreneurs in Montana, discuss student activities and the review the minor offered in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. Activities will include keynote speakers, table displays of local entrepreneurs, networking and informative seminars.

Registration brochures will be available in early January. Call Jackie Sather at 994-6766 to receive a brochure, or e-mail

There is a sincere belief and commitment among the faculty and administration of the MSU College of Business that an entrepreneurship program can make a significant contribution to the economic development of the state and provide a framework for an outstanding educational experience for students. Within the College curriculum, entrepreneurship course work is offered to students from any major in the University through a 30 credit-hour entrepreneurship minor.

The course work in the minor is integrated with research assignments in the Center to offer students unique and potent developmental experiences. Students provide research assistance to TechRanch clients and MSU scientists who are interested in the commercial potential of their science. Outside the College and its formal curriculum, outreach programs create a forum for various entrepreneurial groups and act as a catalyst for developing and strengthening businesses.

NOTE: The Entrepreneur Day is funded in-part by a grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). SBA s funding should not be construed as an endorsement of any products, opinions, or services. All SBA-funded projects are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis.