The Marketing team within ASMSU is dedicated to establishing and maintaining a unified marketing brand, ensuring equal and widespread representation for ASMSU Student Government, ASMSU Programs, and Office of Student Engagement programs and events. By prioritizing the student voice and student-created content, the team aims to streamline the marketing process, allowing program chairs, elected officals, and club leaders to concentrate on program management without the daily tasks of marketing.


The Marketing Team has an open office hour on Wednesdays from 12:30pm - 1:30pm to support you in brainstorming your marketing needs! Email, if you would like to schedule a meeting for support at a different time.

Instagram Facebook


Marketing Resources:

The following advertising list can be used to help spread the word about your club or advertise an event or program you are hosting. There are many FREE ways to advertise, so keep in mind your budget and timeline. Please refer to the Event Planning Guide as well. Remember that advertising should be out AT LEAST 2 weeks before your event! Don’t forget the power of word-of-mouth. Tell your friends and everyone you know about your upcoming event or club.

On-Campus Advertising:

  • Posters
    • Posters are by far the most popular way to market an event, but they can also be expensive. It helps to know where you are planning to disperse your posters, so you can plan accordingly.
    • Registered Student Organizations are eligible for the poster distribution service provided by ASMSU. If you get them your posters by the set bi-weekly deadline, they will disperse in the campus buildings and the residence halls for you.
    • The following information should be included on the poster:
      • Name of event, brief description if necessary
      • Sponsors—be sure YOUR club name is listed somewhere
      • Date, time and location of event
      • Contact information for questions (phone, email, website, etc.).
  • The OSE hires a student graphic designer to produce graphics for OSE events and programs. Registered student organizations can utilize the OSE graphic designer to create club graphics during the fall and spring semesters, depending on availability. This program will give student organizations the opportunity to better their clubs and help promote their activities and missions throughout campus and the community. Please note that we request at least 3 weeks’ notice on all projects.
    • The graphic designer books up quickly and cannot honor last minute requests. If it is a last minute request, you may be able to find a graphic design student who can help out your group! Offering a little compensation can entice students to expand their portfolios and get your group a great design. If you email the School of Art with a request for designs or design help, generally they will distribute the request to Art students via email.
  • The most convenient place to get posters printed is through Blank Canvas Creative in the Strand Union Building. Another option for printing is University Printing in Culbertson Hall. See last page for Black Canvas Services and University Printing prices.

Banner Spaces

  • Banners are a great way to advertise but are more expensive to print or time-consuming to hand make. It may make sense to invest in a banner that can be re-used from year-to-year.
  • SUB
    • There are 2 spots on the railing above the stairs leading down to the bookstore.
    • Must be reserved through Conference Services at or SUB 211
    • Cannot be larger than 6’x3’
    • Note: Cannot tape to the railing, must use string.
  • Wilson Hall
    • Goes on second level of Wilson Hall on the front of the building facing south (walkway).
    • To reserve, fill out the form.
    • Secure with string, NOT tape.
    • Must take down immediately after event.
  • Display Case
    • 4-sided pillar near Ask-Us in SUB, glass case.
    • Reserve through Conference Services, or SUB 211. You have to get a key from them when you plan to put up your advertising to open the case.
    • Posters CANNOT EXCEED 27.5” wide and 43” high.
    • Sponsoring groups name MUST BE clearly visible
  • Exponent
    • You can purchase ads and they can sometimes even design one for you: Discounts are given to registered student organizations.
    • They also have an event calendar you can submit things to. Email exponententertainment@ with the event title, date, time, location, sponsoring group and contact information.
  • MSU Online Calendar
    • MSU has an online calendar and announcements that are easy to use, and help get your message out to many students, faculty and staff.
    • Submit: using your student credentials.
    • If you categorize your event as an “Activity” it will automatically go on the Activities Calendar.
    • Events and announcements submitted will go in a thrice-weekly email to all faculty, staff and students (students have to opt-in to this).
  • MSU Announcements
    • Similar to submitting an event, you can also submit an announcement online. This is more for general announcements and things that are not tied to a specific event.
    • Submit:

Digital Signage

    The OSE has a TV in the SUB Union Marketplace. This space is reserved for OSE events/programs and REGISTERED Student Organizations. See the "Digital Signage" resource below.
  • Residence Hall TV’s and Dining Halls
    • Visit Residence Life website for rules:
    • You can submit a .jpg of a flyer to be displayed on the TV’s in the main levels of the Residence Halls. Please note the digital flyer must uphold the same policies as the hard copy flyers.
    • Images must be 1920x1080px jpeg and will only run for one week.
    • Email jpg to:
  • Ask-Us Desk TV
  • Info Tables
    • Tabling is a great way to have visibility during peak hours (such as the lunch hour).
    • SUB
      • Reserve through Conference Services
      • They are free unless your group is selling something ($5/day). Must get prior approval.
      • No food or drink (even packaged candy) is to be given out at the tables.
      • Approaching or calling out to passersby’s is PROHIBITED.
  • Residence Halls

Sandwich Board

  • The Office of Student Engagement has a limited number of sandwich boards to be used to advertise outside on campus sidewalks. You can email to request with the dates you want to use. First come, first-served.

Club News

  • Club News is a weekly email put out by the Office of Student Engagement to club leaders and advisors. If you have an event or program coming up, email the information or press release at


  • They will let you record your own Public Service Announcement (PSA) or you can write one up for them to announce for you.
  • Contact: Craig Clark, or 994-3001

Procrastinator Theater

  • They show slides before films (like previews). Send a horizontal jpeg to the Thursday before you want your graphic shown.

Social Media/Web

  • Facebook/Instagram
    • Make sure you club has a page. If it doesn’t, make one!
    • Get your club leaders and members invested in sharing posts on their own pages to make the information get even further.
    • “Follow” the Office of Student Engagement on Facebook and Instagram: @msuose and tag us in your posts. We will share as much as we can.


  • If your club has a website or blog, make sure you have information about your event or program posted in a very visible spot so people can get more information about it if they wish. We know most people go to the web for information, so make sure you have accurate and up to date information!
  • Post pictures from past events and don’t forget to take pictures to post later.
  • If you have sponsors for the event, ask that they also include on their website or online calendars.

Department publications

  • If your club is associated with an academic department, contact your Dean’s Office or Department Head to inquire if they have any regular print or online publications you can add your program, event or club information to.

The Office of Student Engagement (OSE) hires student graphic designers to produce graphics for OSE and ASMSU events and programs. This club graphic request program will give student organizations the opportunity to better their clubs and help promote their activities and missions throughout campus and the community.

View the Graphics Design Request Form.

You are eligible to receive one of the following graphics twice a semester:

  • Poster/Flyer Design (11 x 17in) & SUB/ASMSU Web Graphics (1600 x 725px)
  • T-shirt Design
  • Logo Redesign


We ask that you understand the following parameters:

  • We prefer AT LEAST 3 weeks notice when submitting a graphic request. We will NOT be able to honor last minute requests.
  • Consider the poster distribution deadline when deciding when you will need the graphics.
  • If requested, you must send a representative from your organization to meet with them.
  • Due to the need of this service, please be prepared to answer emails and phone calls within 24 hours.
  • We cannot guarantee satisfaction.
  • OSE will NOT print any graphics. You will be given electronic versions of the designs only.
  • Once the graphics are complete, you are free to use how you wish.
  • The graphic designer will have a limited number of hours a week to work on graphic requests. Therefore, graphic requests will be first-come, first-served and we cannot guarantee that your graphic needs will be met.
  • Please note that our graphic designer does not work over the summer months, winter or spring break. Please plan your deadlines accordingly.

ASMSU offers a free poster distribution service for resgistered student organizations and nonprofits. You may bring us 36 posters for distribution on campus.

For information regarding this service please reach out to our Front Desk at

Poster Policy

  1.  All Registered Student Organizations have access to the free poster delivery service through ASMSU.  To ensure distribution, the Student Organization must:
  • Include the following information on all posters.  If this information is not shown on posters, we will not distribute them.
    • Name of group that is sponsoring the event, i.e. “Sponsored by the Recycling Club.”
    • Contact information of group (phone or email minimum, website if available)
    • What the event is and reason/description
    • Time of event or program
    • Date of event or program
  • Print 36 for a full-campus canvas.
  • Bi-weekly deadline to submit posters to ASMSU: every other Tuesday by NOON. Late submissions for the week will be distributed with the next round of posters.
  • To check if it is a poster distribution week, all ASMSU at 406-994-2933.
  • VIM Hours: Clubs have the opportunity to sign up to distribute posters and receive VIM hours for it. Email Erin Bolger at or sign up for "Campus Poster Distribution" on Catserv.

poster tutorial


  • To avoid your organization printing posters that do not meet the requirements, please submit an original for us to approve FIRST, then make the copies.
  • Club must make own copies. ASMSU/OSE is not responsible for printing costs.
  • Posters must not be larger than 11” x 17”.
  • Submit the correct number of posters (35):
    • 35 for all across campus.
  • Advertise appropriately:
    • Avoid lewd, sexually explicit or obscene advertising as stated in MSU Policies and Procedures.
    • Advertising of drinking games is prohibited as stated in MSU Policies and Procedures.
    • Avoid including "sponsored by ASMSU" if you have not received explicit approval from ASMSU that they will sponsor. Distribution of posters does not mean that ASMSU is a sponsor.
    • The acceptance of the poster is at the discretion of ASMSU.
  1. We only distribute posters for currently Registered Student Organizations.
    • Exception: If a student would like to start a group and does not have the minimum of 7 members to start a new student organization (or re-start an inactive group), OSE will make 35 copies of a flyer (must be made by student) and ASMSU will distribute.  This will only be done one time per academic year.
  1. Organizations are not allowed to post posters outside of established bulletin boards or other advertising areas.  No posting on buildings, light posts, trees, cars, bikes, etc.

35 posters are needed to reach all academic buildings.

Residence Halls

Residence Life no longer accepts posters for their bulletin boards. You may be able to submit a digital poster to display on the TVs in the lobbies. For more information on the Residence Life soliciation instructions and policy, please follow this link.

Dining Halls

Culinary Services allows student groups to submit a digital poster to display on the TVs in the dining halls. For more information on their instructions and policy, please follow this link (scroll down to Marketing and Solicitation section).

Gaines Hall (2) 

Enter doors nearest the flagpole area (north entrance). On the first floor, turn left and there will be a board between the bathrooms. On the second floor, turn right after the stairs and the board will be between the bathrooms. On the third floor, turn right after the stairs and the board will be between the bathrooms. 

Visual Communications Building (1) 

Go in the north entrance and turn left. Follow the hallway straight until you reach the atrium space. Board will be on the north wall next to the blue door. 

Renne Library (1) 

The library has its separate approval process-- posting parameters for the library are available on the bulletin board just inside the entrance. Give one copy to the person at the reception desk and they will hang. 

Reid Hall (6) 

Enter through the south entrance (entrance nearest flagpole area). There will be a board immediately to your right once through the doors. Follow the hallway down and you will find two more boards as you approach the main entrance. Follow the stairs to the second floor. Once off the stairs, you will see two boards to the left.  

Traphagen Hall (2) 

Go in the west entrance (nearest flagpole area). Bring 2 posters to room 226. Someone will post the posters. If no one is in the office place posters either on desk or slide under door.  

Sherrick Hall (1) 

Head towards the entrance from Centennial Mall and go in on the right. Hand poster to the receptionist. 

Howard Hall (1) 

Enter the building through the door closest to 11th St and the board is to the right. 

Haynes Hall (1) 

Enter through the south entrance (entrance is in between Haynes Hall and Cheever Hall). Go directly in and the board is on the right. 

Plant Growth Center (1) 

Enter the front of the building and go through both set of doors. Go up the set of stairs to the 2nd floor. At the top is the board slightly on the right. 

Plant Bioscience (1) 

Go in the main entrance closest to 11th Street. Once through the double doors, turn left and give poster to the person at the desk. 

Linfield Hall (2) 

Enter through the front of the building, go up the stairs and turn left. The board will be in front of you. To the left is a hallway with a small set of stairs, follow the hallway and go down the stairs. There will be boards to the right and left in the larger space you enter. 

Chemistry and Biochemistry Research (1) 

Go in the main entrance and give poster to people in the main office directly passed the front doors. 

Lewis (1) 

Enter the front door facing Leon Johnson Hall and go up the first flight of stairs. There is a tall board in the hallway on the left.  

Hamilton (1) 

Go through the main entrance facing Wilson Hall. Once through the double doors, turn left and the board will be on the right at the end of the hall.  

Herrick Hall (2) 

Go through the main entrance faccing Wilson Hall. Go down the stairs and there is a board in front of you. Go up two flights of stairs and there is a board right in front of you.  

Jake Jabs (1) 

The tack boards are located next to the men’s and women’s bathrooms on the first and second floor.  

Wilson (3) 

Enter the building from the door facing Leon Johnson Hall and take a left. The board is by the stairs on the left. Continue down the hallway until you can only turn right and go to the end of the hallway. Board is on the left. Exit through door into the courtyard and enter the detached portion of Wilson. Go to the end of the hallway and the board will be in front of you.  

Leon Johnson Hall (1) 

Enter the door facing you as you exit Lewis Hall. Go to the end of the hall and into the main lobby. The board will be facing the exit towards the mall, in between the two main doors of the lecture hall.  

Barnard (1) 

Go through main entrance nearest the SUB. Go to the second floor, turn right and give one poster to the front desk person in the Physics Department office (Room 264).  

Roberts (2)  

Enter through the entrance facing the American Indian Hall and go up the stairs. The poster boards are next to the two restrooms. Go up to the 4th floor, and the poster boards are next to the restrooms. If you have any questions go to the office of Mechanical engineering on the 2nd floor.  

Cobleigh (2)  

Take two posters to the office of Civil Engineering on the second floor. Go through the tunnel from Roberts on the second floor and take a left, the office will be at the end of the hall.  

AJM Johnson (2)  

Enter through the doors closest to the sub and take a right, the board is next to the undergraduate scholars program office (rm 103); make sure not to post on their section of the board. The second board is in the same place on the second floor.  


  • Sandwich Board/A-Frame:   24in x 36 in
  • SUB TV Horizontal:   1600 x 725 px [JPEG or PDF format]
  • ASMSU TV Vertical:   11in x 17in [JPEG or PDF format]
  • SUB Banner:   36in x 42in
  • SUB Poster Case:   27.5in x 43in
  • OSE Homepage Image Alider:   1060 x 480 px
  • Other OSE/ASMSU Homepage Sliders:   1000 x 455 px
  • Procrastinator Theater Slides (before movies):   1920 x 1080px due 1 week before

Strand Union TV

ASMSU secured space in the SUB Union Marketplace for digital signage (TV). This space will be reserved for ASMSU events/programs and REGISTERED Student Organizations.  Keep in mind the following policies:

  • JPEG or PNG only files will be accepted. Landscape ONLY!
  • Minimum dimensions:  1600 x 725 px
  • Submissions can be submitted by filling out the SUB Digital Signage Submission Form.
  • Submission does not guarantee approval.  Approval is at the sole discretion of the ASMSU.
  • If approved, please allow 3 working days for the ASMSU to include the submission in the signage rotation.
  • Submissions making any mention of, or inference to alcohol, drugs, or tobacco either implied or explicit, will not be approved.
  • Posters which contain nudity, foul language, or a message degrading to others, either implicitly or explicitly, based on race, gender, religion, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation or otherwise in violation of the University non-discrimination policies will not be approved.
  • Submissions will remain on the digital display for a maximum of 7 days or 1 day after the event.
  • Submissions for reoccurring events and meetings can only be submitted once a semester.
  • If your club sponsoring an event, please make sure the logo and contact information is on the graphic.

ASMSU TV (outside SUB 221)

This space will be reserved for advertising events/programs.  Keep in mind the following policies:

  • JPEG or PNG only files will be accepted. Portrait ONLY!
  • Max. dimensions:  11x17 inches
  • Submissions can be submitted by filling out the ASMSU Digital Signage Submission Form.
  • Submission does not guarantee approval.  Approval is at the sole discretion of ASMSU.
  • If approved, please allow three working days for ASMSU to include the submission in the signage rotation.
  • Submissions making any mention of, or inference to alcohol, drugs, or tobacco either implied or explicit, will not be approved.
  • Posters which contain nudity, foul language, or a message degrading to others, either implicitly or explicitly, based on race, gender, religion, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation or otherwise in violation of the University non-discrimination policies will not be approved.
  • Submissions will remain on the digital display for a maximum of 7 days or 1 day after the event.
  • Submissions for reoccurring events and meetings can only be submitted once a semester.

Please visit the Residence Halls website and scroll down to the Solicitation Policy sectionfor more information on soliciting and advertising in the residence halls.

Graphics for the Miller and Rendezvous Dining Halls must be 1920px x 1080px to properly fit the TVs. For more information on their instructions and policy, please follow this link  and scrolldown to the Marketing and Solicitation section.

All registered student organizations (RSO) must follow the university policy on the use of the MSU Name and logo.  Students can show their support for MSU by using the university name and logo in accordance with the policy.

Find guidelines for registered student organizations here.




Meet the Team:

Will DeDominic

Communications Director

Bio coming soon

Kayla Fuller

Marketing Associate


Bio coming soon

Gracey Ryun

Lead Graphic Designer

Hi! I’m Grace, a graphic designer for the ASMSU Marketing Team. I’m going to school for graphic design and business although I’ve also taken an interest in the metals program through the school of art. I was born and raised in southeastern Wisconsin but am happy to be here in Montana. I am looking forward to what this year has to hold! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions/requests! 

Hazel Rex

Social Media Strategist


Hey bobcats! My name is Hazel, and I’m a Community Health major here at MSU! I’m an outdoors enthusiast, one of the office Ski Bums, and spend most of my time doing fun crafts or homework! ASMSU has been a passion of mine since I was a freshman, and I can’t wait to do more amazing work with the marketing team. Go Cats!


Office Hours; Mon. 2pm - 3:30pm, Wed. 1:30pm - 3pm

Maya Ferris

Social Media Strategist

Bio coming soon

Sophie Lloyd

Graphic Designer


Bio coming soon

Holly Peterson

Graphic Designer

Bio coming soon

Emerson Egloff

Graphic Designer

Bio coming soon

Emma Peterson

Events Team Marketing

Bio coming soon