ASMSU Elections are crucial for democracy at Montana State University, allowing students to select leaders who represent their interests within the university. This engagement ensures that student government reflects the diverse views of the MSU community, influences campus policies, and improves student life. By voting, students help create a more vibrant and inclusive campus, ensuring their voices are heard and needs are met.


Click HERE to View and Download the ASMSU Elections Policy Manual



ASMSU Elections Resources

Email – 

Phone number - (406) 994-2933 

Room – SUB 221 

Email – 

Phone number - (406) 994-2933 

Room – SUB 221 


Applications open on March 4th to apply for candidacy.

Filing Deadline for Executive Candidacy: March 26th @5:00pm 

Filing Deadline for Senate Candidacy: April 9th @5:00pm


Student Ballot Petitions Filing Deadline: March 19th 


Campaigning Opening Date: March 18th 


Primary Election (Exec only): April 2nd & 3rd


General Election: April 16th & 17th  


  • Election results posted within 48 hours following end of each election 


Vote HERE:

 *Make sure to log in with your NetID and password! 


ASMSU will cover up to $250 for Executive campaigns and $75 for Senate candidates. 

To receive funds, candidates must make purchases with the Elections Director.  

  1. A Cats Connect Forms must be submitted with the desired item(s) to be purchased.
  2. These purchases cannot exceed campaign spending limits.
  3. Purchases will be made by the Elections Director within one business day of receiving the completed form. 

Make a Purchase Request HERE 

No reimbursements will be guaranteed; funding can only be received by making purchases directly through the Elections Director. 

Review Article 5 of the Elections Policy Manual for more information on Campaign Financing.  

A credible complaint against a current candidate must be submitted to the Chief Justice of the ASMSU Supreme Court via CatsConnect by a voting-eligible student. 

Submit an Elections Complaint Here

Complaint must have the following components to be considered: 

  1. A reasonable allegation that if true, would constitute a violation of the Elections Policy Manual 
  2. A citation that indicates which part(s) of the Elections Policy Manual the candidate is accused of violating. 
  3. A summary of evidence supporting the complaint 

Review Article 8 of the Elections Policy Manual for more information on Election Violations 

Contact the building manager of the building you are trying to campaign in.

Find Building supervisors Here

NOTE: Campaigning is restricted in: 

  1. The MSU Library 
  2. A Classroom Setting 

Campaigns must follow all advertising policies established by the University. 

Review Article 7 of the Elections Policy Manual for more information on Campaigning.  


Please review these frequently asked questions and the answers before you begin your campaign activities. Please follow election rules and guidelines to avoid complaints against your campaign (with consequences up to potential disqualification). YOU are responsible for understanding and following the rules, ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from consequences.  

If you have questions, please seek clarification in advance: 


Posting on outdoor bulletin boards is approved. Bulletin boards in most academic buildings are available for posting. Non-Academic Buildings (like the Strand Union Building, Library, North Dome Fitness Center, Residence Halls, etc.) are either prohibited or must follow the approval process established by their building manager. Posting flyers on vehicles in parking lots is always prohibited. Candidate campaign materials may not be distributed or promoted during classes (candidates may say “vote in the election” but not “vote for me”).



Outside (Outdoor program requests required for all food, tabling, amplified sound, and any materials that require a physical footprint)

Strand Union Building
(except at ASMSU sponsored events or reserved spaces in the SUB)

Student organization meetings


Residence Halls – with written permission in advance from University Student Housing (406-994-2661 or

Classrooms (only “get out the vote” messages, no specific candidate promotion)

Social Media

Official University Listservs 

Academic buildings – interior and exterior
(with permission from Building Manager, each building has different Building Manager)

North Dome Fitness Center

Outside bulletin Boards.

OSE student organization poster running service

Culinary Services ie tabling with permission from Culinary Services (406-994-2261 or

Parking Garage and Parking Lots


Within 200 feet of a physical polling location anywhere on campus. 

Campus advertising guidelines can be viewed here:

To receive funds, candidates must make purchases with the Elections Director. A CatsConnect form must be submitted with the desired item(s) to be purchased (not to exceed the ASMSU funding limit). Purchases will be made by the Elections Director within one business day of receiving the completed form. 

Make a Purchase Request HERE 

If following the General Elections, there is still money remaining to fund candidates, the Elections Director will inform candidates and distribute funds accordingly, as reimbursements.  

In classroom spaces, you can only promote the elections in general, not individual candidates. This must be done with a professor's permission. Specific candidate campaign materials may not be distributed or promoted during classes. If professors grant permission, students may say “student government elections are this week, vote at” but not “vote for me” (information is allowed; advocating is not).

You are responsible for your actions and the actions of people involved on behalf of your campaign. Campaign rules violations and consequences may be attributed to a candidate in circumstances in which the Supreme Court rules that violation was the responsibility of the candidate or anyone involved with the campaign.

If you are running as a President, Vice President, or At-Large Senate candidate any student can vote for you. If you are running for a Senate seat that represents a particular college, then only students who have declared that major are eligible to vote for you.

If you do not want to run for office midway through a campaign, notify the ASMSU Elections Director ( right away and they will work with you to remove your candidacy from the ballot.

You must fill out an Outdoor Program Request. Once the Outdoor Program Request is completed it will be sent out to the approvers and you will receive an email with any stipulation instructions. Typically, we need these two weeks prior to the event, but due to the Elections timeline, we can make some exceptions. Please complete your request as early as possible. Please contact with questions about the Outdoor Program Request. 

You must indicate that you will have food at your event through the Outdoor Program Request. If you decide to have food or drinks you must go through University Catering. You can check out the Outdoor Program Request Guidelines and there are specifics on food/drinks. If you decide to do pre-packaged candy you are permitted, but must indicate it on your form. Note that there is a student discount for all catered food from MSU Culinary Services.


See Official Judicial Opinions HERE

For Other questions reach out to or

The Outdoor Program Request (OPR) Form,  must be completed and approved to hold an event or program, including tabling, in outdoor areas on MSU's campus. 

Access the form HERE

Access the form HERE

You may pick up a hard copy of this form in SUB 221- ASMSU Offices.

What are the spending limits? 

  • $75 for Senate Candidates 
    • Up to $75 can be funded by ASMSU 
  • $500 for Executive ticket 
    • Up to $250 can be funded by ASMSU

How do I document my spending or received donation? 

  • Print and/or keep all receipts or proof of purchase for ALL campaign related expenses; as well as record of all donations to your campaign and the fair market value of the donation if applicable. 
  • If you spend money through the Elections Director, you do not need to take extra steps to report your expenses. 
  • If following the General Elections, there is still money remaining to fund candidates, the Elections Director will inform candidates and distribute funds accordingly, as reimbursements. You will be asked to turn in receipts to receive reimbursements.

How do I get reimbursed/spend money through the Elections Director? 

  • A CatsConnect form must be submitted with the desired item(s) to be purchased (not to exceed the ASMSU funding limit). Purchases will be made by the Elections Director within one business day of receiving the completed form.

    Make a Purchase Request HERE

  • If you spend your own money, you may submit a form at the end of the elections and if any funds are left over, you might receive reimbursement. The only way to guarantee reimbursement is to spend money though the Elections Director. 

What counts towards the limit? 

  • Shipping and handling costs 
  • Physical and print materials; for example, posters and yard signs 
  • Ads on social media; for example, Snapchat filters and Instagram ads 
  • Monetary donations made to your campaign 
  • In-Kind donations; for example, posters and yard signs donated to you by a business; the donor must give you documentation of the fair market value of the donation. 

What I I want to spend my own money? 

  • You are allowed to spend your own money, however, the funding limits still apply. Please keep all receipts and records for documentation purposes.

 What happens if I exceed the spending limit? 

  • The Supreme Court will hold a hearing and determine an appropriate sanction.  


Please contact The Supreme Court or the Elections Director if you have questions about the finance policies. This information can also be found in the Elections Policies Manual. 

The Election Dispute Form for ASMSU Elections is a crucial tool designed to ensure fairness and transparency in the election process. It allows candidates, campaign teams, or students to formally raise concerns or report any alleged violations of election rules. This form is typically used to document and communicate specific instances where election guidelines may have been breached, such as unfair campaign practices, inappropriate conduct, or the dissemination of misleading information. Once submitted, these disputes are reviewed by the ASMSU Supreme Court, which then investigates the matter to determine its validity and, if necessary, takes appropriate action to address any injustices and uphold the integrity of the election process. This procedure not only safeguards the democratic nature of student elections but also instills a sense of trust and legitimacy in the electoral system among the student body.

Access the Elections Dispute Form HERE